Indoor Plants
Our range of indoor plants are perfect for brightening up your home or office. From cacti to carnivorous, flowering or foliage, there is definitely something to suit your specific requirements.
As well as our fantastic range of houseplants, we also have plant pots in many shapes, sizes and colours – a perfect finishing touch.
You’ll also find everything you need to care for your house plant. We have specialist indoor compost, liquid feed, misters & much more.

Not only do indoor plants help brighten up your environment, but they can help brighten you up too! Studies have shown that indoor plants have lots of great health benefits too. As well as improving the air quality, indoor plants can also:-
- Increase positive feelings and relieve stress and anxiety
- Reduce noise levels
- Reduce carbon dioxide levels & airborne dust levels
- Improve concentration levels
- Emit oxygen thus refreshing the air