Helping the Environment
At Poplars we are making great efforts to reduce our Carbon Footprint and to do our bit to help the environment and the world in which we all live.
We recycle all of our cardboard waste. All of our cooking oil is recycled and turned into biodiesel. Rainwater is collected from our roof and used to irrigate our plants. Most of the packaging we offer is biodegradable. We also recycle our unwanted pallets.
We have created Wadelows Nature Reserve on the field behind the Garden Centre to provide diverse habitats for many different types of Wildlife.
Our fleet of vehicles has reduced from three to one and we actively encourage our staff to car share.
We source the majority of our plants from UK growers. We offer a range of peat free composts and our growers are steadily reducing the volume of peat they use in their own compost mixes. One day, we hope that all of our plants will be sold in peat free compost. We reuse, recycle or return our unwanted plant trays.
We use local suppliers for our restaurant and are increasing our range of Fair-trade products.
Our new Buildings are insulated and are heated with highly efficient boilers using the latest computer controlled technology. We use LED lighting in all of our buildings which is both energy-efficient & environmentally friendly.
Our staff are encouraged not to print emails unnecessarily and we have also made a commitment to no longer print glossy leaflets and magazines for door-to-door distribution.
We are increasing our range of environmentally friendly products and encouraging our suppliers to commit to good environmental practices.
This is just the start of our long-term commitment to making significant changes to the way we work. The environment and the impact we make are now at the forefront of our decisions. There is still a lot that can be done to make Poplars even better and we are working towards our goal of minimizing the impact we have upon the environment.
Each year at Poplars we recycle over 3000 litres of cooking oil, over 60 tonnes of cardboard, more than 3500 wooden pallets, at least 2 tonnes of scrap metal and in excess of 15 tonnes of waste plastic. We also collect nearly 1.5 million litres of rain water to irrigate our plants and a further 4 million litres of surface water feed our wildlife ponds. We are committed to reducing peat use and we source a wide range of environmentally friendly products. Our green champions continue to search for new ways for us to have a positive effect on the environment.
A weekly average of 48kWh of electricity is delivered to our EV chargers, saving 55kg of CO2 emissions.
We now have four electric charging points in our carpark for our customers with electric cars to use. These can be found just beside The Car Buying Shop’s yellow cabin.
Poplars W.E.E.E. Policy
As a distributor of household electrical and electronic equipment we offer an in-store take back scheme for waste electrical items. This scheme operates on a like for like basis on the purchase of a new or a new equivalent item which has the same or similar functions. Alternatively consumers can take their waste electrical or electronic items to their local civic amenity site.
We do this because :- UK households dispose of over 1.2 million tonnes of electrical and electronic waste every year. This is the equivalent of 150,000 double decker buses and would be enough to fill the new Wembley Stadium 6 times over.
Much of the UK’s electronic waste ends up in landfill sites, where toxins put communities at risk. Failure to segregate any type of recyclable material in the home will usually result in items being disposed of in a landfill site (buried in the ground in the UK) or being incinerated.
To remind you to recycle, all new electrical products are marked with a crossed out wheeled bin symbol.