Restaurant Menu

Please be aware this menu is for information only. YOU CANNOT ORDER ON LINE. Please place your order at the relevant counter.

1. Breakfast

First February Hot Stuff Counter Lunch Menu

A3 Portrait More Lite Bites counter menu

4. A3 Portrait Jackets counter menu

Little Poplars Hot Meals

Website Menu 6

coffee menu

8. Cake menu

Fairtrade Coffee

When you enjoy a cup of coffee with your breakfast, you can sit back and enjoy the  knowledge that here at Poplars, we only serve Fairtrade coffee. The Fairtrade mark is the only independent guarantee that coffee farmers have been paid a price that is higher than the cost of production. An additional social premium is also paid to the growers – and spent democratically to develop their business or to pay for community projects.

Restaurant Opening Times

Breakfast served from 9.00am – 11.30am* (from 10.00am Sunday)

Lite Bites Counter served 11.30am until 3.30pm*

Main Hot Counter meals served 12noon until 2.00pm*

Coffee & cakes served all day from 9.00am-4.30pm * (from 10.00am-4.00pm Sunday)

(* all subject to availability)